Get paid instantly when your pull request is approved.
Explore funded issues
Explore funded GitHub issues within one easy-to-use desktop platform.
See one you’re interested in working on?
Apply to work on issues
Quickly apply to work on the issue.
Provide the Product Owner with your timeline for completion and ask any pertinent questions regarding the issue.
Complete task and send for approval
Now it’s time to complete the job.
Once finished, commit your code, and submit the pull request.
Git paid immediately!
If the pull request is merged by the Product Owner, you get paid immediately through PayPal.
No more submitting invoices or waiting for a new billing cycle to get paid.
Just immediate bounties.
Set up your GitCommits profile
Connect your PayPal account
Integrate your Github account
Browse, work, and collect bounty!
GitOffers extension allows developers to send the customized offer on any non-funded Git issue. It’s an extension available for Chrome and Firefox browser. That makes it easier to send the offer while you are browsing the git issues on GitHub. If the product owner accepts the offer offer becomes as bounty with the agreed amount.
Some of the great features of GitOffers:
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